"You have a heritage; Honor it.
You will meet temptation; Withstand It.
You possess a testimony; Share it.
You know the truth; Live it."

-President Thomas S. Monson

About Author

Hello Readers!

My name is M&M and I started this Blog to provide those who attended Retreat for Girls in 2013 a place to continue to strengthen their resolve to live the gospel of Jesus Christ each day and to help those of you who don't know what RFG is learn about this amazing program.

So, I'm sure you are wondering... why did she introduce herself as M&M?  Well, this year, 2013, was my first year at RFG as a counselor and each counselor chooses a nickname to be known by at Retreat.  As I share about RFG, I feel a little closer to the program by referring to myself by my counselor nickname.  As counselors, we also keep our real names a secret from the girls until their last day at Retreat- so for any of you who plan to send your daughters to Retreat next year... I want to keep my name a secret so they can enjoy trying to guess with the other girls.  

I got introduced to RFG by my roommate at college who had been a counselor in 2012 and encouraged me to apply.  Retreat for Girls changed my life!  There is no program like this within the Church and its effects are lifelong.  I had the privilege of spending two weeks with 24 girls ages 14-15 (I had the oldest groups both sessions) who came with a desire to strengthen their testimonies, learn more about the gospel, and create lasting friendships; we experienced all of the above and were able to inspire each other to stand a little taller and be a little better.  It was truly an incredible experience.

I am a student at the University of Wyoming, pursuing a degree in Physiology and plan on applying to medical school next summer.  I grew up in central Wyoming and have four younger siblings.  My testimony of Jesus Christ began as a young child but didn't fully develop until I made the decision to serve a mission.  I served in the California San Jose Mission from January 2009-August 2010.  What a magnificent and sacred experience it was to labor amongst the people of Central California.  I have worked as a nanny on and off for the last 10 years and have loved it.  I enjoy camping, fishing, hiking, and sleeping under the stars.  I love to learn and strengthen my understanding of how things work in the world.

There is nothing I love more than the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know of its truthfulness and I embrace it as the motivating force behind every choice and decision I make as a daughter of God.  I am thankful for the opportunities I have to share the gospel with others.  Retreat for Girls is one of the greatest programs I have ever been involved with, second only to serving a full time mission.  I hope those of you who have never heard of RFG will read through the experiences that will be shared on the blog, visit the RFG website, and send your daughters next year.  I pray that those of you who have attended RFG this year or in years past will NEVER be afraid to stand firm in what you believe and LIVE IT!  The gospel is true, Heavenly Father is so aware of each of us, and He has inspired the directors of this program to provide a way to strengthen the young women of the world in a wonderful and beautiful way!!

Email me at: retreatfromtheworldblog@gmail.com

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