"You have a heritage; Honor it.
You will meet temptation; Withstand It.
You possess a testimony; Share it.
You know the truth; Live it."

-President Thomas S. Monson

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Elaine S. Dalton | Virtue is the strength and power of daughters of God | General Conference Printables April 2013

How has virtue been a source of strength and power in your life?

I love standing for what I know to be true.  I traveled home to visit my family last weekend and on my trip back I listened to a few talks on tape.  I drove straight from my parent's house to where I work and when I arrived at my job one of my co-workers asked how my drive went.  I told him it was great and then he asked, "So what music did you listen to to make the drive go by quickly?"  I had a choice to make... I could tell him I didn't listen to music, or I could tell him I listened to talks on tape.  Which do you think I did?
I told him about the talks I listened to- we had an entire conversation about the sacrament and its significance in my life.  We talked about the Church and my faith in Jesus Christ.  When all was said and done I felt amazing... I love the strength that the Lord provides for me as I strive to be obedient and true to what I believe in.  

How can you be virtuous and strong today?

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